Found 370 of 370 Accepted Abstracts

Our AI (Artifical Intelligence) & ML (Machine Learning) Presentations are grouped together under the keyword "Engineering Data Science".


From The Paris Law To The ‘Total-Life’ Method: An Extensive Review Of Fatigue Crack Growth Laws And Models

Presented By
Andrew Halfpenny (HBK UK Ltd.)

Fatigue is the predominant cause of structural failure under cyclic loading conditions. Fatigue failure typically involves two main stages: an initial phase where one or more cracks form (crack initiation stage), followed by a phase where these cracks, if subject to sufficiently high cyclic stress,...Read Full Abstract

Computational Structural MechanicsFatigueFracture

Authored By
Andrew Halfpenny (HBK UK Ltd.)
Cristian Bagni (Hottinger Bruel & amp amp Kjaer (HBK)) Stephan Vervoort (Hottinger Bruel & amp amp Kjaer (HBK)) Amaury Chabod (Hottinger Bruel & amp amp Kjaer (HBK))

Nonlinear Cohesive Zone Modeling for Adhesives

Presented By
Tobias Waffenschmidt (3M Company)

In many engineering applications, the integrity of adhesive bonds must be ensured over service life when exposed to mechanical stresses. In order to assess the structural integrity of adhesive bonds numerically, there is an increasing need to efficiently model and simulate the strength, damage and f...Read Full Abstract

Joints & ConnectionsMaterial CharacterisationMaterialsV&V (Verification and Validation)

Authored By
Tobias Waffenschmidt (3M Company)
Markus von Hoegen (3M Deutschland GmbH)

Efficient Joining Failure Assessment of Multi-material Car Bodies in Crash

Presented By
Tony Porsch (Volkswagen AG)

Predicting structural failure in automotive engineering remains a significant challenge in the area of virtual vehicle development, gaining further importance in the context of "Virtual Certification." The increasing use of modern lightweight materials, ultra-high-strength steels, and new innovative...Read Full Abstract

AutomotiveFailureLow CodeMeshingSimulation Supporting Certification

Authored By
Tony Porsch (Volkswagen AG)
Karl Heinz Kunter (Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH)
Jean-Daniel Martinez (Audi AG)

Normalizing Uncertainty in Computer-Aided Engineering: A Case Study

Authored & Presented By
Fabio Santandrea (RISE Research Institutes of Sweden)

Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) relies on physics-based computational models to perform analysis tasks of industrial products at reduced cost and time-to-market. The possibility to simulate the behaviour of different design variants, with limited resort to physical prototyping and testing, facilita...Read Full Abstract

Simulation GovernanceUncertainty QuantificationV&V (Verification and Validation)

Twins, Pyramids and Environments: Unifying Approaches to Virtual Testing

Presented By
Louise Wright (National Physical Laboratory)

There is a long history of the use of engineering simulation for design. This virtual approach is typically followed by physical prototyping, testing and refinement to reach a final design, followed in many cases by a physical testing regime to meet regulatory requirements. For many companies, the u...Read Full Abstract

Digital TwinsIntegration of Analysis & TestSimulation StrategySimulation Supporting Certification

Authored By
Louise Wright (National Physical Laboratory)
Liam Wright (National Physical Laboratory)
Kathryn Khatry (National Physical Laboratory)
Joao Gregorio (National Physical Laboratory)
Michael Chrubasik (National Physical Laboratory)
Maurizio Bevilacqua (National Physical Laboratory)

Contribution of the Virtual Validation in the Development of a 48V Electric Powertrain for 2-wheeler Applications

Presented By
Riccardo Testi (Piaggio & C. S.p.A.)

A CAE workflow was defined within a new Piaggio development methodology and executed to develop and assess the new Piaggio 48V electric powertrain’s performance. The workflow involved linked CFD, EMAG and structural analyses. The objective was to anticipate fundamental results and info and reduce th...Read Full Abstract

AutomotiveCAE in the design processComputational ElectromagneticsComputational Fluid DynamicsMultibody Dynamics

Authored By
Riccardo Testi (Piaggio & C. S.p.A.)
Michele Caggiano (Piaggio & amp amp amp C. SpA) Antonio Fricasse (Piaggio & amp amp amp C. SpA)

Vibro-acoustic Simulation of Impulsive Feedback from Computer Mice Microswitches

Presented By
Luca Francesconi (Logitech Europe S.A.)

Simulations for predicting acoustics emissions from impulsive and transient dynamic phenomena emerging from small electro-mechanical components, as those commonly found in consumer electronics, remains both novel and challenging. Some of these components act as direct Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs)...Read Full Abstract

AcousticsDynamics & VibrationNVH (Noise Vibration and Harshness)

Authored By
Luca Francesconi (Logitech Europe S.A.)
Nuno Valverde (Logitech Europe SA) Sterling McBride (Dassault Systemes)

Modelling Aero-Optical Turbulent Effects On The European Solar Telescope Using CFD Analysis

Presented By
Mahy Soler (Instituto de Astrofasica de Canarias, Principia Ingenieros Consultores SA)

The European Solar Telescope (EST) is a next generation 4-m class solar telescope that will be built at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (ORM). The performance of an optical telescope is evaluated by its seeing, which refers to the image degradation caused by turbulent fluctuations in the...Read Full Abstract

Computational Fluid DynamicsOptical

Authored By
Mahy Soler (Instituto de Astrofasica de Canarias, Principia Ingenieros Consultores SA)
Konstantinos Vogiatzis (Instituto de AstrofAsica de Canarias)
Juan Cezar-Castellano (Instituto de AstrofAsica de Canarias)
Sergio Bonaque-Gonzalez (Departamento de Fesica, Universidad de La Laguna (ULL))
Marta Belio-Asen (Instituto de AstrofAsica de Canarias)
Miguel Nunez (Instituto de AstrofAsica de Canarias)
Mary Barreto (Instituto de AstrofAsica de Canarias)

Stress Concepts for Weld Verification and Approaches to Automation

Authored & Presented By
Tim Kirchhoff (ihf Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH)

In mechanically stressed components, weld seams are usually the weak points critical to failure, especially under alternating loads. The necessary strength verification is carried out according to rules such as the FKM guideline, the IIW recommendations or the Eurocode. The evaluation of weld seams ...Read Full Abstract

Computational Structural MechanicsFatigueWelding

Full Scale Validation Testing for Legacy Aircraft Finite Element Models

Authored & Presented By
David Wieland (Southwest Research Institute)

As the US military extends the service life of aging weapon systems, the need for accurate models of aircraft structures has become critical. The original finite element models (FEMs) used during the development of these legacy systems were either not procured by the military or not maintained, nece...Read Full Abstract

AerospaceIntegration of Analysis & TestV&V (Verification and Validation)

Cloud-Enabled Generative AI for Preliminary Engineering Design

Presented By
Nima Ameri (Rolls Royce plc)

Presented in this paper is the approach conducted to democratise the adoption of conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGAN) on the cloud for preliminary engineering design applications. This work addresses a number of challenges associated with the use of cGAN networks to engineering applica...Read Full Abstract

AerospaceCAE in the design processCloud ComputingDemocratisationEngineering Data Science

Authored By
Nima Ameri (Rolls Royce plc)
Shiva Babu (Rolls-Royce PLC) Marco Nunez (Rolls-Royce PLC) Yashwant Gurbani (Rolls-Royce PLC)

Generative-AI for Preliminary Engineering Design

Presented By
Shiva Babu (Rolls Royce plc)

Many engineering solutions require technologies that rely on specialised know-how and knowledge of physics mechanisms underpinning their design and operation. As the world moves towards a digital era, current surrogate model approaches are either not fit for processing large databases, or unsuitable...Read Full Abstract

Engineering Data Science

Authored By
Shiva Babu (Rolls Royce plc)
Marco Nunez (Rolls-Royce plc) Yashwant Gurbani (Rolls-Royce plc) Harry Bell (Rolls-Royce plc) Nima Ameri (Rolls-Royce plc) Jon Gregory (Rolls-Royce plc)

Simulation-aided Development of a Liquid Hydrogen Evaporator for Hydrogen-powered Aircraft Demonstrators

Presented By
Razvan Apetrei (Element Digital Engineering)

The rapid decarbonization of industry and transport is a central challenge to the transition to a more competitive and greener economy. Hydrogen is seen by many as an energy vector with potential to decarbonize industries such as aerospace and heavy goods transport which cannot be easily electrified...Read Full Abstract

AerospaceComputational Fluid DynamicsSustainability

Authored By
Razvan Apetrei (Element Digital Engineering)
Tom Elson (Element Digital Engineering)
Steve Summerhayes (Element Digital Engineering)

Study on CAE Techniques for Deriving Single Component Durability Test Specification of Automotive Suspension Component

Presented By

The automotive industry is experiencing rapid transformation, leading to increased demand for virtual developments and enhanced component-level durability testing. While traditional full-vehicle Belgian road tests have been effective for overall durability verification, they present significant chal...Read Full Abstract

AutomotiveFailureFatigueIntegration of Analysis & TestSimulation Supporting Certification

Authored By
Hoo Gwang Lee (Hyundai Motors Company)
Hong Ju Park (Hyundai Motors Company)

Next Step Towards the Complete Virtualization of Machine Tools: Flexible Multibody Dynamics Simulation and Control in Synergy

Presented By
Miguel Seco Calleja (Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation)

A modern machine tool is a highly complex mechatronic system, with increasingly challenging dynamic behaviour and precision requirements, managing trade-offs of multiple conflicting conditions and design criteria. At the same time, the principle of getting it right the first time has become essentia...Read Full Abstract

Dynamics & VibrationManufacturing Process SimulationMultibody Dynamics

Authored By
Miguel Seco Calleja (Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation)
Ibone Oleaga (Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation)
Juan Josa Zulaika (Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation)
Josu Larranaga (Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation)

Structural Analysis Of A Dam Wagon Gate

Presented By
Hervandil Sant'Anna (Petrobras)

This study addresses the structural analysis of the wagon gate of one Petrobras dam, which is a critical structure for water intake by the upstream refinery. Built in 1967, the dam and its accessory structures have undergone corrective maintenance over the years. Following the accidents in Mariana a...Read Full Abstract

Civil EngineeringComputational Structural MechanicsSimulation Supporting Certification

Authored By
Hervandil Sant'Anna (Petrobras)
Carlos Eduardo Simoes Gomes (Petrobras)

Safety of AI Systems in Modeling and Simulation

Authored & Presented By
Young Lee (UL Solutions)

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into modeling and simulation systems has significantly expanded their capabilities, enabling improved accuracy, adaptability, and efficiency. These systems are increasingly applied in high-stakes domains, including aerospace, healthcare, and industrial...Read Full Abstract

Engineering Data ScienceSimulation Governance

Simulation of Roll-Over Protective Structures – Physical Testing to Support Certification

Authored & Presented By
Ben Ruffell (TSV Consultants Ltd)

The geographical isolation of New Zealand from most industrial equipment manufacturers has often given rise to innovation. Due to the small market, but broad scope of applications, the industry could not support the expense of physically testing custom ROPS (roll-over protective structures) or other...Read Full Abstract

Computational Structural MechanicsImpact, Shock & CrashSimulation Supporting Certification

High Voltage Circuit Breaker Design with Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms

Presented By
Wilhelm Thunberg (Hitachi Energy)

This paper handles the application of modern optimization software in dielectric design development of high voltage circuit breakers (HVCB) and shows how coupling of different simulation types can create more efficient workflows. Given the push to replace the circuit breaker insulation gas SF6 with ...Read Full Abstract

Computational ElectromagneticsElectronicsOptimisation

Authored By
Wilhelm Thunberg (Hitachi Energy)
Sami Kotilainen (Hitachi Energy)

Mitigating Flow-Induced Vibration of Discharge Manifold Equipment with Tuned Mass Dampers: A Physics-ML Approach

Presented By
Shobeir Pirayeh Gar (Halliburton Carrollton Technology Center)

Discharge manifold equipment (DME) is high-pressure surface equipment temporarily installed at the wellhead or production site to control and manage the collection of fluid flow from the well, enhancing production efficiency. To be readily portable and fast to assemble, DME often consists of numerou...Read Full Abstract

CAE in the design processDynamics & VibrationEngineering Data ScienceOptimisation

Authored By
Shobeir Pirayeh Gar (Halliburton Carrollton Technology Center)
Allan Zhong (Halliburton) Hadi Arabnejad (Halliburton) Brad Bull (Halliburton)

Certification by Analysis: A Selection of Case Studies

Authored & Presented By
Fabio Santandrea (RISE Research Institutes of Sweden)

Ensuring the compliance to regulatory requirements is a mandatory process for many products to be allowed on the market. The assessment of product performance is largely based on physical testing of a few samples and, possibly, monitoring of the production process. In order to reduce cost and time-t...Read Full Abstract

Simulation Supporting CertificationV&V (Verification and Validation)

The Path to Virtual Product V&V Uncertainty Quantification of Test and Simulation Results

Authored & Presented By
Frank Günther (Knorr-Bremse SfS)

Traditional Computer Aided Engineering emphasizes the use of simulation as a preparatory activity before verifying and validating a product through hardware testing. The main benefit of simulation is to speed up product development in a “first time right” paradigm where a hardware driven product V&V...Read Full Abstract

StochasticsUncertainty QuantificationV&V (Verification and Validation)

Enabling Model-Based Aircraft Certification

Authored & Presented By
Stephen Cook (Northrop Grumman)

The aircraft certification process for both civil and military air systems carries the reputation of being a costly, paper-centric process [1]. Applicants seeking to achieve certification must provide copious amounts of data and test evidence to establish the engineering pedigree of the aircraft. ...Read Full Abstract

AerospaceMBSE (Model Based System Engineering)Simulation Supporting Certification

The Digital Twin of ESA's Large Space Simulator

Authored & Presented By
Remko Moeys (European Space Agency)

This paper presents the digital twin of the Large Space Simulator (LSS), as it undergoes the final stage of its development. Located in The Netherlands, the LSS is Europe’s largest thermal vacuum chamber and is used by the European Space Agency to test spacecrafts under representative space conditio...Read Full Abstract

Digital Twins

Accelerating Real-Time Decision-Making In PET Bottle Stretch Blow Molding Through AI-Driven Empty Top Load Prediction

Presented By
Advait Bhat (PepsiCo)

Stretch blow molding is widely used to produce Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) beverage bottle packaging. The process of stretch blow molding involves over 60 parameters. For example, part temperatures, blow pressures, activation timing, and moving parts speed. 8 to 12 of these parameters are criti...Read Full Abstract

Engineering Data ScienceManufacturing Process Simulation

Authored By
Advait Bhat (PepsiCo)
Tahamina Nasrin (PepsiCo)
Muhammed Imam (PepsiCo)
